An A-10 demo pilot gives one of the most detailed tours of the Warthog that we've ever seen. post
At 28:00 you can enter the cockpit and seat on the ACES II ejection seat. From there you get a glimpse at the consoles (including U/VHF and FM secure radios, some emergency system, such as the backup speedbrakes and trim actuators), the various buttons of the master arm, gun, laser designator, Targeting Pod; the RWR (Radar Warning Receiver).
YOUTUBE EXgTrpPU9Rk Published July 15, 2020
Dealing with the airspeed indicator it's interesting to hear that typically and depending on the payload, the A-10 takes off at 135-145 knots, starting rotation to pull the stick 10 knots prior to the calculated rotation speed. Then, gear up, flap up, the A-10 generally climbs at 200 knots. While recovering, the aircraft drops the gear below 200 knots, and landing speed is between 134-135 up to 156 knots (if you are no-flap or one-engine).
Then, we get the chance to see the two MFCDs (Multi-Function Color Displays), surrounded by 20 buttons, that can be arranged (37:00) at will to display the map, datalink, weapons status, etc. Noteworthy is also the description of the helmet and cueing integration with other assets via datalink. "The digital upgrades and the weapons upgrades are really amazing stuff that we've done."
Read the original article on The Aviationist. post